Thursday 25 October 2012

Review on our Preliminary task so far...

- Our shots included Medium Close Ups, Low Angle, Panning, Over The Shoulder etc... We had several clips of the same shot just incase we needed them to include a variety of different shots. Although we had it from many angles; we found that we missed out on some and they would have come into use. We didn't include any establishing shots which means our audience lacks knowledge of our surroundings. We found that we should have included a shot of Chloe's POV of looking down at Kiran as it would have made more sense.

-The lighting used was all natural as we were filming outside (exterior) and our first shot shows Chloe sitting by a window therefore we used natural light. The shot of going up and down the stairs has high lighting as we had the light from the gaps between the steps which created an eerie atmosphere. There is low key lighting when Kiran is walking up as she is the antagonist therefore has a darker 'feel'. The lighting is consistent when outside; we didn't have many problems with lighting. We had to re-film the pitch fork being dug into the ground and encountered a massive difference in lighting as the newly filmed was much brighter and radiant compared to the rest of the film. We had to use the editing facilities on iMovie to try and fix this.

Fine Cutting Process
- During the fine cutting process, we found it challenging to match each clip with each other in order to make sense. However using the precision editor made it much easier to show the exchanges in stares when on the stairs; this made the eye contact more precise therefore making more sense. We also used the precision editor to sharpen the continuity shot of Chloe running through the door without any jump cuts. We added transitions to make our film 'flow' smoothly such as dissolves and fade to blacks. 

- Dealing with the sounds was very interesting as it allowed us to create different moods to support what is shown in the clips. We used 'Suspense Drone' on iMovie for a slow motion clip of Kiran's eyes at the end; this created suspense and mystery. We faded out the sound so it would have a smooth ending with the fade to black. We detached the audio of some clips and moved it and faded it before the clip actually starts so the cuts didn't seem to sharp. We used Garage Band to create a soundtrack for specific shots and to cover up the background sounds. This failed due to unexpected technical issues but we found it was okay without sound throughout but would have made it much better. Most of the sound used was for suspense. We used silence for the staring on the stairs to emphasise the tension. 

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