Wednesday 24 October 2012

Evaluation on Preliminary Task

Last week we filmed for our preliminary task. We had to create a story including the 180° rule and a continuous shot. We had 10mins to prepare a short script, storyboard and shot list before filming; this got my group and I use to working quickly and under pressure. We all individually contributed to the narrative and how it would be filmed. We used many different types of shots to emphasise certain elements of the narrative such as a medium close up of someone's face to show a reaction to something. We used our knowledge of different movies to help us film; we came up with an interesting shot where 2 people are going up and down the stairs at the same time exchanging stares- we used the 180° rule here and agreed on using slow motion during editing to create more tension.
We also used 'on-set' language such as '3,2,1.. ACTION' and 'CUT'. We also broke down our narrative into 'equilibrium' and 'disequilibrium' and also created a cliffhanger. We also included the conventions of the genre of our narrative which was horror. This meant close ups, hidden identities and much more.

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