Thursday 25 October 2012

Review on our Preliminary task so far...

- Our shots included Medium Close Ups, Low Angle, Panning, Over The Shoulder etc... We had several clips of the same shot just incase we needed them to include a variety of different shots. Although we had it from many angles; we found that we missed out on some and they would have come into use. We didn't include any establishing shots which means our audience lacks knowledge of our surroundings. We found that we should have included a shot of Chloe's POV of looking down at Kiran as it would have made more sense.

-The lighting used was all natural as we were filming outside (exterior) and our first shot shows Chloe sitting by a window therefore we used natural light. The shot of going up and down the stairs has high lighting as we had the light from the gaps between the steps which created an eerie atmosphere. There is low key lighting when Kiran is walking up as she is the antagonist therefore has a darker 'feel'. The lighting is consistent when outside; we didn't have many problems with lighting. We had to re-film the pitch fork being dug into the ground and encountered a massive difference in lighting as the newly filmed was much brighter and radiant compared to the rest of the film. We had to use the editing facilities on iMovie to try and fix this.

Fine Cutting Process
- During the fine cutting process, we found it challenging to match each clip with each other in order to make sense. However using the precision editor made it much easier to show the exchanges in stares when on the stairs; this made the eye contact more precise therefore making more sense. We also used the precision editor to sharpen the continuity shot of Chloe running through the door without any jump cuts. We added transitions to make our film 'flow' smoothly such as dissolves and fade to blacks. 

- Dealing with the sounds was very interesting as it allowed us to create different moods to support what is shown in the clips. We used 'Suspense Drone' on iMovie for a slow motion clip of Kiran's eyes at the end; this created suspense and mystery. We faded out the sound so it would have a smooth ending with the fade to black. We detached the audio of some clips and moved it and faded it before the clip actually starts so the cuts didn't seem to sharp. We used Garage Band to create a soundtrack for specific shots and to cover up the background sounds. This failed due to unexpected technical issues but we found it was okay without sound throughout but would have made it much better. Most of the sound used was for suspense. We used silence for the staring on the stairs to emphasise the tension. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Evaluation on Preliminary Task

Last week we filmed for our preliminary task. We had to create a story including the 180° rule and a continuous shot. We had 10mins to prepare a short script, storyboard and shot list before filming; this got my group and I use to working quickly and under pressure. We all individually contributed to the narrative and how it would be filmed. We used many different types of shots to emphasise certain elements of the narrative such as a medium close up of someone's face to show a reaction to something. We used our knowledge of different movies to help us film; we came up with an interesting shot where 2 people are going up and down the stairs at the same time exchanging stares- we used the 180° rule here and agreed on using slow motion during editing to create more tension.
We also used 'on-set' language such as '3,2,1.. ACTION' and 'CUT'. We also broke down our narrative into 'equilibrium' and 'disequilibrium' and also created a cliffhanger. We also included the conventions of the genre of our narrative which was horror. This meant close ups, hidden identities and much more.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Reflection on 11th Oct Workshop

First Workshop: The first workshop consisted of the layout and presentation of DVD covers. I enjoyed this as we looked into depth of the amount of effort that goes into them to appeal to the target audience which was Teenagers. We focused on 2 DVD covers, both very different in themes: Mean Girls; a very girly, pink and glamourised movie and Kidulthood; a very 'chavvy', street life and dangerous looking movie. Analysing both covers proved very useful as I learnt about the different techniques used to draw in teenagers. After getting given a mini storyline for a made-up movie called 'Social Notworking',  we created our own DVD cover and positioned ourselves to what we thought was appropriate for the storyline infront of the green screen and a setting of our choice around the school building. This was interesting because we learnt  how the positioning of characters is very important for a marketting success. We also used photoshop to edit our DVD front covers which I enjoyed very much because photoshop is just a heavenly gift!

Second Workshop: This was my favourite workshop as it was different but interesting at the same time. We were shown a simple, badly edited clip of a conversation between 2 people at school. We had to identify the bad editing and explain why it was bad which was challenging as most of us knew the problems but couldn't put it into words. We were let into the different shots and camera angles and techniques used and learnt new shot types such as the 30* rule. After this, we went onto iMovie and had to rearrange the clips of the clip we just watched using the different shot types to make sense. I found this particulary fun as Sheida and I 'tweaked' it a bit to make it funny by cutting clips shorter to grab facial expressions, converting some into slow motion and inserting funny sounds to make it more comical. Doing this also developed my accuracy with continuity shots as well as realising the importance of action shots.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Script for Opening Sequence


Extreme close up of Luna's eyes

                                                       Eyes blink slowly (tired)

Camera zooms out slowly showing her face (close up)

                                                 Look left slowly (astonishment)

Camera follows her gaze (pan) to 2 people staring at her.

Camera pans back to Luna's face.

                                                             Look right slowly
Camera follows her gaze (pan) to 2 more people staring at her.

Camera pans quickly to other students in the classroom staring at her.

Camera zooms out. Long shot/establishing shot showing the classroom.

Camera stoops down diagonally slowly to a low angle of students feet.

                           Students are slowly getting out of their chairs walking towards Luna.

Camera follows the walking students (still low angle). Camera slowly comes up to Luna's face as the students approach her.

                                                (Wearing a Halloween mask.)

How is the chicken used as a metaphor in the opening sequence of 'City of God' ?

 The opening scene of 'City of God' shows a carnival atmosphere, where music is playing and the camera cuts from image to image, knives are sharpened which is the first shot we see, and chickens are slaughtered and grilled. This is all being witnessed by a victim... a chicken itself. This chicken manages to escape the manic and the whole gang chases the runaway chicken. This chase can be seen as a metaphor representing the struggled lifestyle in the Brazilian slums.

The first shot of the sharpening knives gives the audience the instant warning of danger which also gives them an idea of the genre. However, the quick cuts builds suspense, and the audience do not know what the knife is being sharpened for. We soon discover that it is preparation for eating as we watch carrots being peeled and chickens getting killed; this shows that it is a non-european country as we usually buy our meat. As well as food prep, we see barefooted people, there is a close up of the feet suggesting a poor country and an unhygienic area in which the chicken is being killed and their food is being made. This montage alone represents the community they live in, likely to be a slum where they are separated from shops and other facilities.

After the sequence of different cuts, the chicken frees itself as it was tied with a piece of string. As soon as it's run into the alleyway, a plate of blood is shown. This portrays the theme of death and murder, we then see the 'murderer', a close up of his face with a low angle shot emphasizes his role in the sequence. He seems to be the boss as after he says: "oh fuck the chicken got away, get it!" the whole gang run after the chicken. During this chicken chase, the camera is held at a low angle very close to the chicken, the audience feels as if they're running with the chicken or even chasing it. We also see the environment in which they live in; it is very run down and is most definately a slum. This gives the audience an idea of a brazilian lifestyle for the characters and the battles they will fight to get their own way. The chicken running could represent an unseen character in the movie who is trying to escape this lifestyle for all the reasons we see in the opening sequence such as the fact everyone owns a gun and carries it with them, which shows the disconnection of law and society. The assumed gang leader tells a man walking past to get the chicken, when he tries and fails, the 'leader' pushes him and holds a gun to his head; this also emphasizes the lack of law enforced rules in this community and these people can threaten others simply because no one can stop them. Everyone besides the members of the gang are seen as chickens in the gang members eyes.

We finally see new characters, who seem to be very innocent and talk about photography. Until the gang run in after the chicken and orders him to capture it. There is a low level of sound as the boy slowly approaches the chicken, but then it's broken when the gang member says "Oh shit, police.", at this point, they all take their guns out. Elaborating on the lack of law, this shows that even though there is, there is still police, but they still have a low status to the gang and they are willing to rebel against them. It seems as if no one is in power. The boy realises he is in the middle of battlefield, the gang have guns pointing towards police behind him, and the police have guns pointing to the gang in front of him. I linked this with 'piggy in the middle', as the use of animals in the opening sequence is very significant. He then says (voieover): "If I run, I die and if I stay, I die". This relates to chicken in the beginning of the sequence as if it stayed, it would have been killed and eaten, but if it ran... which it did... it got chased and risked dying by being shot; the chicken could have been foreshadowing this character. This is the chickens thoughts from a humans POV, where the scenario changes completely. The relaxed attitude of the photographer boy in this situation is intriuging, therefore we see him as a protagonist whereas the gang leader is the antagonist, the contrast here can also include the police, who still do not have as much importance as the other characters.

The use of a chicken in the opening sequence is very different and audience pulling, relating to the genre, we would normally see/expect a car chase, but the fact it is a chicken makes it more interesting and gives an eye opener into the ways of life in their community seeing the chicken as a character or just a victim. The chicken is used as a metaphor in many ways, and almost the complete opposite to what we say in everyday life using a chicken as a cowardly figure whereas in the City Of God, it was rather brave. The chicken has shown the ways of life in Brazil and how the innocent get treated, also the risks that will be taken just to keep your own life.

Thursday 4 October 2012

AS Level Target

Target: B
My target is to produce work at the best of my ability and complete work on the day its given and not a night before its due.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Script using 180 Rule & doors.


Matt and Chris walk towards a door and nervously stand outside it. They face eachother.

          (180* Rule)
                                           This is it. He said it was the 13th door on the left.
                                           (Looks down the corridor for reassurance)
                                                         Knock then,  if you're so sure!

                                 Mate, this ain't an office building. You don't knock. You just enter.

Matt places his hand on the door knob. Chris takes a step back while Matt opens the door.

                                                                   Open sesame...
Door opens slowly.

(Camera turns to inside the room, looking at Matt and Chris- contiuous cut)


Matt and Chris walk into the room.

Hooded figure holding a gun pointing towards a dead body on the floor.

                                                          HOODED FIGURE
                                         And I have been expecting both of you also...

Continuity Editing

Tuesday 2 October 2012

TV Drama's in the UK:
- Downton Abbey
- Misfits
- Doctor Who
- Eastenders
- Waterloo Road
- Holby City
- Merlin
- Spooks
- Skins
- 90210

- Big Bang Theory: Drama; Comedy
- 90210: Drama; Romcom