Wednesday 14 November 2012

Step Up Revolution, Bangkok Dangerous

From the opening sequence of Step Up Revolution, we recognise the audience to be teenagers/young adults as the first characters we see are around this age. Their costume also determines this as they're wearing caps back-to-front, sleeveless hoodies and also their language is informal. They're in a 'flashy' car which appeals to younger audiences. One says "you ready?" suggesting an event is going to take place, the unique beeping of the horn also suggests that they are responsible for beginning it.

We see a girl open a suitcase which turn out to be speakers, and put her headphones on; music begins to play. This establishes the genre to be music related as all the other young characters come out of their cars and begin dancing. The synchronised dancing suggests it's a dance movie, and their clothing symbolises dancers as they are loose and revealing also stylish to add character to their dancing. The audience is still unsure about the main characters as there are many people throughout the opening sequence, however the two characters first seen in the car are focused on a lot during the dancing.

Bangkok Dangerous:
- Establshing shot

- Voice over: "...the money's good, but it's not for everyone" signifies an illegal dangerous job. Links to genre
- Low lighting
- Jail
- Prisoner
- Guards
- Police/ambulance
- Guns
- Hidden identity
- Action adventure; established by the title 'Bangkok' aswell as the dwell on guns and secrecy - Maimed character is the person in the voice over as he speaks in first person about his job - Main character is not known by name but is known by face which adds to the secrecy element of the genre -

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