Wednesday 19 September 2012

'Hitch' Opening Sequence

Mise en Scene:
- 'Hitch' starts off with a woman looking miserable lying in her bed, then cuts to a woman working in a sweet store smiling and talking to her customers, then another woman walking with 2 men, talking, smiling and eating. It cuts to show someone she is looking at who is another man who potentially finds her attractive, he smiles and rests his arm on the baggage trolley attempting to look 'cool'; the woman smiles nervously and turns away.
- We then have a long shot of what it looks like a photoshoot, we see a man and a woman dancing in victorian clothes and see a man getting his make-up done, looking at them bviously intruiged by the woman. The next thing we see which is almost concluded by Will Smiths commantary "...or my personal favourite...", is a woman walking into her apartment with her dog and getting her post.
- This scene continues, she walks off but the camera does not follow her, instead stays in the position and we see Will Smith (Hitch) walk in with his keys and begins speaking to the camera " you believe that? Neither does she. D'ya wanna know why?..."
- We see the woman with her dog again and then it cuts back to Hitch talking to the camera, he then squats down on the floor and opens his bag, this makes the bag revelant as we are focused on it as the angle has moved.
- We see the woman walking into the elevator with her dog and pressing the button to her floor. Hitch then speaks again.
- Hitch pulls out a dog from the bag and we instantly realise it is almost the same as the dog the previous woman was holding.
- We then are referred back to the woman in the shop and we see her customer dazed by her looks. 
- Next shot is a yoga class where a man is smiling at the woman he likes and she turns over with a confused face and so does the man, also raising his eyebrows connoting he isn't having much luck.
- We go back to the photoshoot, the man tries to impress the woman who was dancing.
- We see Hitch again, placing his dog on the floor; and we see the other womans dog run out of the elevator, the elevator doors shut and the woman inside hits the door with frustration.
- We see Hitch walk out of the apartment with the dog in his arm and gives it to the man we recognise to be at the photoshoot.
- The man holds the dog and calls a taxi to roll in slowly infront of him.
- Finally, we see quick shots of Hitch shaking all the mens' hands who we previously saw trying to get a woman.
- The woman runs out of the apartment shouting "Toby!" and we see the man lying infront of the taxi holding the dog obviously intending he saved it from getting run over. He gets up and waddles over to her and gives her dog.

Editing:- Quick cuts.

- Music and voice over.
- Music is 'what a wonderful world this could be'
- Voice over is Hitch himself, he is directly speaking to the audience.
- We see a woman with her dog, when her dgs runs out of the elevtor she shouts "Toby, Toby!"

- What he says in the beginning and end gives us an insight to what he does: "Basic principals, no woman wakes up saying 'God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today..." this is said at the beginning and the audience thinks he is a professional as he says 'Basic principals' meaning its easy for him to unerstand and he has his own principals.
  Near the end he says: "... That's where I come in, my job, is to open her eyes."
- We then hear the music come to an end and instead replaced with the woman shouting "Toby!.. Oh my God" and we hear the tooting of the taxi.

 - MCU
- LS
- CU - when Hitch is speaking to the camera directly.
- Low angle when Hitch is opening the bag
- Low angle at Yoga
- Low angle when the woman is running out of her apartment and looking down to the man.

1 comment:

  1. Www. Wel observed and detailed in description

    Ebi. Stays too much in the denotation phase and doesn't really move beyond this into connotations, meanings, how audiences, genre and narrative are constructed. Thought you have a sound grasp of some terminology there is work to do here on building your skills in demonstrating deep knowledge and understanding required at the highest level.
