Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Godfather and City of God

Mise en Scene: the shot is a medium close up of a man in a dark room. The only light is on him. It is like a spot light on a stage used to have the audiences' attention all on him.

City of God.
Mise en Scene: High key lighting. A chicken is being chased by a massive group. They run through the streets which looks very run down.

Monday 24 September 2012

Audience Analysis on 'The Big Bang Theory'

Big Bang Theory

Audience/Age: 12+ (dirtry sexual jokes) but understandable comedy; the characters are also mid-aged around -20 therefore the audience can relate to them

Gender: Male and female. Both genders are included in programme therefore relateable. Both sexes are able to understand the humor. The inclusion of relationship issues and everyday complications makes the programme more relateable.

Location: Made and based in America; humor is for everbody. It is also aired in 34 other countries. It is also multi-cultural as the cast includes Jews, Indians and Americans.

Job titles: Scientists as the main characters are scientists. Even school children can watch it, as a teen, I do.

Likes and dislikes: They have to have a sense of humor to understand the jokes. They don't have to have scientific knowledge to understand the jokes, because Sheldon (who has most of the scientific facts) bickers a lot which makes it funny itself.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

'Hitch' Opening Sequence

Mise en Scene:
- 'Hitch' starts off with a woman looking miserable lying in her bed, then cuts to a woman working in a sweet store smiling and talking to her customers, then another woman walking with 2 men, talking, smiling and eating. It cuts to show someone she is looking at who is another man who potentially finds her attractive, he smiles and rests his arm on the baggage trolley attempting to look 'cool'; the woman smiles nervously and turns away.
- We then have a long shot of what it looks like a photoshoot, we see a man and a woman dancing in victorian clothes and see a man getting his make-up done, looking at them bviously intruiged by the woman. The next thing we see which is almost concluded by Will Smiths commantary "...or my personal favourite...", is a woman walking into her apartment with her dog and getting her post.
- This scene continues, she walks off but the camera does not follow her, instead stays in the position and we see Will Smith (Hitch) walk in with his keys and begins speaking to the camera " you believe that? Neither does she. D'ya wanna know why?..."
- We see the woman with her dog again and then it cuts back to Hitch talking to the camera, he then squats down on the floor and opens his bag, this makes the bag revelant as we are focused on it as the angle has moved.
- We see the woman walking into the elevator with her dog and pressing the button to her floor. Hitch then speaks again.
- Hitch pulls out a dog from the bag and we instantly realise it is almost the same as the dog the previous woman was holding.
- We then are referred back to the woman in the shop and we see her customer dazed by her looks. 
- Next shot is a yoga class where a man is smiling at the woman he likes and she turns over with a confused face and so does the man, also raising his eyebrows connoting he isn't having much luck.
- We go back to the photoshoot, the man tries to impress the woman who was dancing.
- We see Hitch again, placing his dog on the floor; and we see the other womans dog run out of the elevator, the elevator doors shut and the woman inside hits the door with frustration.
- We see Hitch walk out of the apartment with the dog in his arm and gives it to the man we recognise to be at the photoshoot.
- The man holds the dog and calls a taxi to roll in slowly infront of him.
- Finally, we see quick shots of Hitch shaking all the mens' hands who we previously saw trying to get a woman.
- The woman runs out of the apartment shouting "Toby!" and we see the man lying infront of the taxi holding the dog obviously intending he saved it from getting run over. He gets up and waddles over to her and gives her dog.

Editing:- Quick cuts.

- Music and voice over.
- Music is 'what a wonderful world this could be'
- Voice over is Hitch himself, he is directly speaking to the audience.
- We see a woman with her dog, when her dgs runs out of the elevtor she shouts "Toby, Toby!"

- What he says in the beginning and end gives us an insight to what he does: "Basic principals, no woman wakes up saying 'God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today..." this is said at the beginning and the audience thinks he is a professional as he says 'Basic principals' meaning its easy for him to unerstand and he has his own principals.
  Near the end he says: "... That's where I come in, my job, is to open her eyes."
- We then hear the music come to an end and instead replaced with the woman shouting "Toby!.. Oh my God" and we hear the tooting of the taxi.

 - MCU
- LS
- CU - when Hitch is speaking to the camera directly.
- Low angle when Hitch is opening the bag
- Low angle at Yoga
- Low angle when the woman is running out of her apartment and looking down to the man.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Children Of Men- Opening Sequence

Mise en Scene
- Starts off with a blank shot with the TV reporter talking. This gives the effect of paying close attention to what is being said.
- We then see about 20 people all together in a cafe looking up obviously watching the news; their facial expressions show shock, disbelief and depression which is also supported by the dark, grey/blue, neutral colours. These people look no younger than around 25 and are all in smart/working clothing; this suggests it is the morning and they're stopping for coffee before work as a couple of people are holding mugs. 
- There is hardly any movement due to everyones disbelief until a man walks in, making his way through the crowd. This stands out as he is the only one walking which brings our attention to him and could potentially be a main character.
- We then see him walk out, as he does, we also see 2 police men.
- As the camera follows him out, it moves to the right more to show the area outside. I noticed a dirty, smog filled, busy and noisy street. The advances in technology is also dwelled upon as it shows the 'bcc' television center and how the 'glass windows' are actually screens themselves. The screen also showed the news on the death of Deigo Ricardo.
- The whole street is dirty and looks very old; there is dumped bin bags on the left. It looks very 3rd world, people are crossing dangerously across the road.
- It zooms into the man, he is pouring alcohol into his coffee.
- 1.29 the cafe explodes and everyone is thrown backwards, including the man and his coffee. He backs up to the wall behind him and stares at the demolished cafe.
- As it gets closer to the disaster, we see a man thrown off his bike and 2 people in the bin bags. You just see grey/white smoke coming out of the cafe and soon a woman walks out; she looks crippled due to the explosion.

- Cut from black to picture at 0:05. 
- Cut from the people to the TV, and back again (continuous cut)
- No more cuts onwards.

- Sound of the news reporter talking: "The world was stunned today by the death of Deigo Ricardo, the youngest person on the planet. Baby Deigo was stabbed outside a bar in Buenosirez after refusing to sign an autograph.."
- As the man comes in, what is said on the news is less important than what was said during the still moments. But as he looks up and joins the crowds' interest, what is said becomes very relevant: "Born in 2009, the son of Mirsalo and Sylvia Ricardo a working class couple... he struggled all his life with the celebrity status thrust upon him as the worlds youngest person"
- The sad music from the TV is continued as the man walks out of the cafe and fades out. As it fades out, we hear the sounds of the street: car engines, car horns, small chatter, brakes of the bus..
- The sound of the cafe explosion is very sudden, you hear the shattering of the glass and ear piercing screams.

- High angle, showing the people looking up to the TV; the camera could be seen as the TV. This shot is held here for 24 seconds then shows the TV, then goes back to the people.
- The camera follows the man out of the cafe and tilts up to show the TV above the door. On the way out, it pans across the street to show his surroundings and allows the audience to recognise it (London).
- Instead of a cut to shorten the movement from the right of the man to the left, the camera goes around him, again to show his surroundings and what he is doing.
- It remains on the side of the street, after the explosion, the camera is almost 'running' towards the blown up cafe.